STAR LIGHT While skateboarding, a kind hearted teenager, Dylan, crashes into a beautiful young woman who secretly turns out to be the World Famous Popstar, Bebe A. Love. Keeping her identity under wraps, Dylan takes Bebe to his best friend’s house for help. While he...
PUPPET KILLER Ten years after the disappearance of his step mom, Jaime and his friends head to his family cabin in the woods to celebrate the Christmas break. They soon realize the demons from Jaime’s past have been waiting for his return as they are forced to...
EXORCISM AT 60,000 FEET On the last flight of a transatlantic passenger airliner, a priest, a rabbi and the airline crew team together to save a plane from a pandemic of demonic possessions on an international flight. The possessions are able to spread (like zombies)...
TO YOUR LAST DEATH After emerging as the sole survivor in a deadly revenge game set up by her father to punish his children, Miriam receives an offer from a supernatural entity to go back in time and try again. Now, Miriam must survive both her father’s blood lust and...
DO NOT REPLY Chelsea, a lonely teenage high school girl, falls prey to a social media predator. She agrees to meet him at a Halloween warehouse party, where she is drugged and abducted. Chained in an underground shelter, Chelsea wakes up, and after being conditioned...